Nursing (NRS)
Division: Nursing and Health Sciences Division
In this course, students gain the foundational concepts for all subsequent nursing courses. Students are introduced to basic knowledge, skills and attitudes for safe implementation in the provision of patient centered care across the lifespan. Older adult populations with normal aging and common health issues will be the focus. Laboratory and clinical activities support current evidence when applied in a long-term care setting.
Pre-requisites: (ENG 101 with a minimum grade of C or TRANSFERRED ENG 101 with a score of 889 or Pre-reg. Eng 101 waiver only with a score of 906 or COLLEGE DEGREE with a score of 988 or Transf. Eng 101 Mth 100 with a score of 999) and BIO 121 with a minimum grade of C and (CHM 101 with a minimum grade of C or CHM 103 with a minimum grade of C) or TRANSFERRED ENG 102 with a score of 998) and PSY 101 with a minimum grade of C
This is the first course of the LPN Articulation Option. It includes the essential concepts that an LPN needs to bridge the gap in the role of LPN to RN. It is designed to provide a foundation for all subsequent nursing courses. Students review basic concepts of the nursing profession, the role of the provider of care, and the basic physiologic and higher level needs of man. Classroom activities are designed to help students assess and diagnose basic needs, and assist in meeting those needs in elderly adults who are healthy or who experience simple health alterations. Students are tested in the classroom to determine their proficiency. The goal of this course is to prepare the LPN for a smooth transition into professional nursing.
Pre-requisites: (ENG 101 with a minimum grade of C or TRANSFERRED ENG 101 with a score of 889 or Pre-reg. Eng 101 waiver only with a score of 906 or COLLEGE DEGREE with a score of 988 or Transf. Eng 101 Mth 100 with a score of 999) and PSY 101 with a minimum grade of C and BIO 121 with a minimum grade of C and (CHM 101 with a minimum grade of C or CHM 103 with a minimum grade of C) and BIO 122 with a minimum grade of C and (ENG 102 with a minimum grade of C or TRANSFERRED ENG 102 with a score of 998)
This is the second course in the LPN Articulation Option following NRS 106. Students care for clients who have commonly occurring health alterations generally affecting middle adult populations. Laboratory and clinical activities create a construct which assists the LPN to advance in the role of provider of care. Assessment and nursing diagnoses are expanded with a focus on planning and intervention to meet the physiologic, safety, and psychosocial needs of clients. Credit is given for previous knowledge. Upon successful completion of this course, an additional 6 credits will be given to students who complete NRS 106 and NRS 111.
Pre-requisites: NRS 106 with a minimum grade of C
In this course, students provide safe, culturally sensitive care to patients across the lifespan who have commonly occurring health alterations with predictable outcomes. Laboratory and clinical activities create an environment to assist students to apply current best evidence in a variety of health care settings including mental health and psychiatric settings. Students interact with the multidisciplinary health team to achieve safe quality patient outcomes in individual and group settings. The focus of the course will develop critical thinking and enhance clinical judgment when providing safe quality care to 1-2 patients.
Pre-requisites: NRS 104 with a minimum grade of C and BIO 122 with a minimum grade of C
In this course, students provide safe, culturally sensitive care to patients across the lifespan including childbearing and childrearing families, and who experience commonly occurring complex health alterations. This course enables students to further refine their expertise through the utilization of current best evidence, and sound clinical judgment to deliver safe care in collaboration with other members of the health care team. Laboratory and clinical activities focus on the development of a comprehensive teaching plan and quality improvement activities. Students will practice management and prioritization skills while providing safe quality care for multiple patients within the context of family or significant group.
Pre-requisites: NRS 114 with a minimum grade of C
In this course, students provide safe, culturally sensitive care to multiple patients with emergent, critical and chronic complex health problems in a variety of health care settings. Laboratory activities will focus on simulated unfolding scenarios to validate student clinical judgment, previously learned psychomotor skills and role transition from student to professional nurse. Clinical activities provide students with the opportunity to strengthen clinical judgment, set priorities for patients with unpredictable outcomes and practice greater independence in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team. Management and delegation skills will be the main focus of all clinical activities.
Pre-requisites: NRS 206 with a minimum grade of C and BIO 211 with a minimum grade of C and BIO 251 with a minimum grade of C
This is a course where students integrate all nursing concepts. The focus is on analysis, synthesis and application of current professional trends and issues that impact nursing practice. The role of members in the profession is explored and operationalized. Laboratory consists of simulation activities that further enhance student’s critical thinking, clinical decision making skills and the successful achievement of an NCLEX-style test.
Pre-requisites: NRS 206 with a minimum grade of C