About Essex County College

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STUDENTS FIRST: Strategic Plan 2024 – 2029

Strategic Plan 24-29


Use student success as a guide for all of our actions.

The success of Essex County College students – in the classroom, in the workplace, and in life – is our highest priority. Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Enrollment Management, and all other areas of the College work collaboratively to ensure that our students are academically, culturally, professionally, and socially well prepared to succeed.


Foster institutional improvement through assessment, evaluation, and evidence‐based planning.

Essex County College is dedicated to developing systematic and sustainable planning and assessment processes to best position our students, institution, and community for the twenty first century. Faced with an evolving global economy and rapidly changing labor markets, the College must be adaptive, innovative, and agile in order to remain competitive and effective. We meet our community’s educational and cultural needs by making a firm commitment to implement data driven decision‐making.


Promote innovative public and private partnerships.

Essex County College students benefit from an expansive network of partnerships with internal and external stakeholders. These partnerships provide internships, apprenticeships, clinical experiences, and other opportunities to prepare students for the workforce needs of a global economy. Partnerships also provide opportunities to collaborate on grant proposals, fundraising, and other initiatives that leverage the resources of local businesses and the community.


Increase public awareness of our achievements in academic excellence, cultural diversity, and our wide range of program offerings.

For over 50 years, Essex County College students and alumni have achieved high levels of academic and professional success and have earned distinction in athletics, the arts, and public service. The College continues to be a resource to the community – local, national, and beyond. Raising awareness of our achievements and contributions will allow the College to grow, thrive, and better meet the needs of our community.

Latino Meet and Greet


Promote a welcoming and inclusive campus culture.

As an institution with a rich legacy of diversity, Essex County College strives to maintain a culture where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and respected. For the College to achieve its Mission, Vision, and Values, it must intentionally nurture inclusiveness, embrace diversity, and welcome differing perspectives. This approach allows the institution to provide a safe, supportive learning environment for all students that values the rich mosaic of the communites it serves.