Students previously enrolled at ECC who have not been enrolled for 3 or more years must apply for readmission. Students must complete and return an application for readmission online or in person at Enrollment Services at the Main Campus. A non-refundable readmission fee is required. Student may be required to re-submit an official copy of high school diploma or official documentation a GED has been received. Readmitted student follow policies and program requirements in the current catalog.
ECC has no general time limit on the use of credits; except as defined by external accrediting organizations, such as the 5-year limitation of BIO 121 and 122 for Nursing (2104) majors. Accordingly, any credits ever completed by students at ECC are still potentially valid, even if only as electives. Faculty of respective degree or certificate programs may propose certain program specific conditions, which will be considered by appropriate shared governance committees and subsequent administrative review before implementation. Therefore, any courses that are no longer offered, nor contained in the catalog in effect at time of readmission and/or matriculation, are still potentially available to satisfy program requirements, such as, but not exclusively, to satisfy free elective requirements in such curricula that include such.