Drama (DRA)
Division: Humanities and Bilingual Studies Division
This course is an entryway into the study of the theater, its history and its impact upon audiences and the societies they lived and continue to live in. Students will not only cover various plays, but also the lives of the playwrights who penned them as well as the directors and actors who brought them to life. A general understanding and appreciation towards the production of plays will also be touched upon.
Pre-requisites: (Write Placer Essay with a score of 1 and Reading (Next-Gen) with a score of 200)
Students will be introduced to the beginner's level of the theory and practice of acting. They will go through lessons and exercises on impression, characterization, and improvisation.
Pre-requisites: (Write Placer Essay with a score of 1 and Reading (Next-Gen) with a score of 200)
Students will be introduced to the intermediate level of the theory and practice of acting. They will go through lessons and exercises on impression, characterization, and improvisation.
Pre-requisites: DRA 101 with a minimum grade of C
This course will introduce students to the craft of directing for the theater. They will learn about the process that goes into selecting and analyzing a script and again instruction on how a director brings the written word into a visual performance.
Pre-requisites: DRA 101 with a minimum grade of C
This course is an introduction to writing for the theater through practice and discussion. The major components of playwriting, including action, dialogue, and character, will be studied.
Pre-requisites: DRA 101 with a minimum grade of C